Laser Genesis
Laser Genesis
If you have sun damage, skin disorders, aging, and even your genetics can affect the way your skin looks on your face and on your body. These elements can contribute to textural irregularities such as wrinkling or acne scars, pigmentation changes like sunspots, liver spots, or even visible blood vessels.
If you are afflicted by any of this there is a treatment available to you that will help you recapture your appearance. Laser Genesis treatment is a noninvasive, laser-based skin treatment that can help to get rid of wrinkles, scars, hyperpigmentation, and other aesthetic skin conditions that you may want remedied.
What is Laser Genesis Treatment?
Laser Genesis treatment is a laser-based treatment that catalyzes collagen production to help repair skin damage. It is a non-ablative vascular laser, meaning that it doesn’t remove the top layer of skin during treatment. The micropulse lasers shoot out at a 1064nm wavelength.
This allows the laser to penetrate deep into the skin without damaging the upper layers. The depth the lasers can go is what separates Laser Genesis treatment from other forms of laser treatment.
How Does it Work?
Our skin, when damaged, heals itself with a skin fiber called collagen. Typically, collagen is responsible for the skins’ tightness and elasticity. It is also what the skin uses to repair itself when it is cut. So, when treating things like wrinkles, and loose skin the lasers heat up the skin. This triggers the body’s natural healing process. This process creates new collagen that works to tighten the skin.
When the skin is lacerated the scar tissue is formed by the body creating an emergency amount of collagen. The collagen forms quickly, which is why scar tissue looks different than normal skin. Laser Genesis treatment works to remedy this by creating new collagen that forms normally, and while the scar may not disappear entirely it will fade dramatically.
As for red skin and rosacea the lasers kill the affected capillaries and cause them to shrivel up. These capillaries are not functioning properly, allowing blood to pool up. By killing them the blood will not be able to pool up and the swelling and redness will be reduced.
Laser Genesis Treatment Technology
The piece of technology that we use for laser genesis treatment is the Aerolase Neo Elite. There are many benefits to using the Aerolase Neo Elite, but they can be summed up in four categories. The first is its unmatched efficacy. The deep penetration and high power of the laser allows for a wide range of treatment for skin conditions of all types on skin of all types.
The second is the Neo Elite’s range of unique beam profiles. The beam can reach large spot sizes of up to 10mm, which is big for a concentrated laser, and 1.5msec pulse durations. This allows for treatment of a wide range of conditions.
Third, because of the unique nature of this technology, the Aerolase Neo Elite is versatile. The wavelength options, in conjunction with the 650-microsecond technology, allows for treatment of several conditions that would classically require a number of different lasers.
Finally, since the Neo Elite delivers high amounts of energy within a short pulse time, a lot of the already minimal side effects are even less likely. The targeted area is the only area affected, and surrounding tissue is not at risk of being overheated. This eliminates potential burns, scarring, or purpura.
Is Laser Genesis Safe?
In short, Laser Genesis treatment is safe. In the hands of a skilled dermatologist like the ones at LightRx you can have the results you want. When compared to something like surgery the benefits of Laser Genesis are readily apparent. There is much less risk since there are no invasive measures. There is no risk of infection, internal damage, and there is no scarring.
Moreover, there is no downtime with Laser Genesis treatment. Because you do not have to go under the knife there is nothing to recover from. You can leave our medspa and return to your daily activities. This makes getting Laser Genesis treatment convenient.
What Should I Expect from Treatments?
Laser Genesis treatment is virtually painless. Most people do not report any pain and those that do say it feels like a small rubber band snapping against their skin.
The sessions can typically take anywhere from 30 to 90 minutes depending on what is being treated and the area that is being treated. For best results you will likely need two to six treatment sessions.
Results may take a few weeks to be noticeable and full results will not manifest until three months following your final treatment.
If you are interested in learning more about our treatments and want to know more, call us at 877-721-4547 and schedule a free consultation at your local LightRx. These consultations take as little as 30 minutes and are private one on one consultations with the clinic director.

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