Venus Legacy
Venus Legacy™
The Venus Legacy™ offers a powerful advancement in body contouring and body sculpting technology. It combines radio frequencies and magnetic pulses into a patented (MP)2 technology that targets cellulite reduction, skin tightening, skin rejuvenation, and reducing the appearance of stretch marks, wrinkles, and signs of aging.
Unlike typical skin tightening procedures that involve the hassle, danger, and downtime of surgery, the Venus uses its unique combination of multi-polar radio frequency and pulsed magnetic fields to create a heat matrix over the skin that triggers a natural healing response in the body. Once this healing response is activated, new collagen is formed – and the contraction of this new collagen leads to the skin tightening.
The Venus Legacy™ also allows you to target specific parts of the body and target problem areas with incredible precision. Face, neck, back, stomach, thighs, cellulite reduction, wrinkle reduction – wherever and whatever you choose, you can lose it.

for your free consultation or fill out the form above and let our body contouring experts design a Treat2Complete custom plan, just for you.
CONTACT US* Individual results vary. Best results promoted by a healthy lifestyle. Images do not constitute a promise or representation of any particular outcome.
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