Top 5 Skin Sins to Avoid | LightRx MedSpa
We all make mistakes from time to time – from missing our alarm to overcooking dinner, or even forgetting to put on sunscreen or washing off our makeup at the end of the day. No one’s perfect, and that’s okay!
But, since our skin is the largest organ in our body, it’s worth taking a little extra time to take care of it. When it comes to skin, some mistakes can be more costly than others, and can lead to problems like dryness, wrinkles, dull, or congested skin that is in desperate need of some TLC!
So, what are these skin sins and how can you avoid them? By following these tips and tricks, and scheduling your free consultation at LightRx, your skin will be glowing in no time!
1. Skipping Sunscreen
Skipping sunscreen is one of the easiest and more important skin sins to avoid. No matter if it’s hot or cold outside, it’s critical to protect your skin from the sun’s powerful (and damaging) UV rays, even on days when you can’t see them! Wearing sunscreen year-round will help prevent wrinkles, age spots and damage caused by the sun. Remember, sunscreen is key to maintaining your glow all year long!
2. Not Drinking Enough Water
Drinking more water not only quenches your thirst but it also naturally hydrates your skin! Our bodies are made up of 70% water and you need a lot of H20 to keep your skin and body functioning properly. By increasing the amount of water you drink daily – ideally 8-10 (8 ounces) glasses – you’ll notice softer, healthier and more elastic skin.
3. Not Wearing Sunglasses
Who said sunglasses are only meant to be worn in the summer? They play a major role in protecting the thinner skin around the eye against damage. When you don’t wear sunglasses, especially in bright sunlight, excessive squinting can cause crow’s feet to take up permanent residence in the corner of your eyes. Keep sunglasses in your car or your purse to help keep the crow’s feet at bay.
4. Sugar Overload
If you needed another reason to curb your sweet tooth, this is it! Sugar has a major effect on your skin and too much of one thing is never a good thing. Sugar can damage the collagen and elastin which gives your skin the firmness and elasticity that it needs to stay looking young and fresh. If that’s not enough, too much sugar can lead to swelling and breakouts. To keep healthy, glowing skin— just swap out your candy for a piece of fruit. Your skin will thank you later!
5. Smoking
It’s no secret that smoking is bad for your health, but do you know how it affects your skin? The nicotine in cigarettes causes narrowing of the blood vessels in the outermost layers of your skin – this impairs the blood flow to your skin. We all know that the skin is the largest organ of the body and with less blood flow, your skin doesn’t get as much oxygen and important nutrients that it needs. Also, smoking can lead to skin that appears saggy, rough, dull, and with wrinkles around the mouth. Once you stop smoking, your body returns to normal levels and your skin will become more vibrant than before.
Now, that you are aware of the top 5 skin sins, you can be more careful before committing these beauty crimes. By avoiding these skin sins, and with the help of the skin professionals at LightRx, you are one step closer to becoming your skin goals!
Do you know of any other skin sins? Let us know in the comments below